Walking in my healing

Walking in My healing

Author: Anonymous
June 05, 2020

Apostle Terrell, your messages on healing are always right on time.  I have been working from home since April 2, 2020 and the enemy was trying to stress me out about my work. I was praying and fasting and I told God I need your help. On Wednesday there was a difference in me. Because of the declarations of healing, I felt the pulling down, destroying, and rooting out of the enemy that was trying to attack my body. I am saying this with"Faith", that I am walking in my healing from stress and anxiety. When l sat down to work yesterday, I felt the Peace of GOD! Hallelujah!  Thank you Jesus!....  No muscle pain and no stomach problems. Thank you Apostle for keeping us (Life Center International family connected) even before COVID-19 and now during this season of time. This too shall pass!..... God’s Blessings to you and the LCI Family… I miss you all. "Big Hug".



Connecting and the need to connect socially is powerful.  At Life Center International we understand that the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences have more in common with each other than we may realize.  Because connecting is essential, we make it a service to those who fellowship with us. Who you are and what is important to you really does matter here.



To serve is critical to the growth of the local church; God has ordained it to be this way.  It causes the body of God to be in harmony, sharing the effort, creating necessary relationships and growing spiritually all for the benefit of the kingdom. When you serve it supports the undergirding of the culture of the kingdom of God as well as facilitate responsible growth. It is the key to the heart of God that all believers serve.


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