Trustiing the Lord with My Finances

Trusting the Lord with My Finances

Author: Anonymous
April 10, 2020

Thank you so much for the many prayers that have gone forth.  I am self-employed and have had to be out of work for a little over a month now. However, the overhead for my space still has to be paid.  I confess I have not always been the best when it comes to money management and have had to learn a lot of things the hard way.  I do believe in tithing and giving offerings. I was concerned because if I'm not physically at work-I don't get paid. That's about to change too... However, I told the Lord that I trust Him and that if He would give seed to the sower (no matter how great or small) I would sow.  It was also my desire to practice giving double the tithe as an offering (consistently) as my offerings in the past (again I confess) haven't always been a stretch or sacrifice for me- as they should be...

Long story short... In doing so, God has touched the hearts of my clients and others who have called me, not only to encourage me, but to say thank you for uplifting them at some point and time in their lives.  Along with that, they have also sown seeds (monetarily) and because of that, I have not lacked!....  My desire is to continue giving double or more beyond the tithe, long after this pandemic is over. Thank you Apostle and Pastor Hamani for demonstrating the heart of God towards His people. God is so good and even today as I'm typing this note of thanks to you all, God is still giving seed to the sower!  Look out now... I believe that the windows of heaven have opened up!  I'm encouraging myself right now, in this moment!!!  I decree and I declare it... The windows of heaven have opened up and He's about to pour out such blessings that there will not be room enough to receive it!!! So as it is written, so let it be done!!! I receive it!!! Amen!!! Thank you for your prayers and support!  I love you much!



Connecting and the need to connect socially is powerful.  At Life Center International we understand that the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences have more in common with each other than we may realize.  Because connecting is essential, we make it a service to those who fellowship with us. Who you are and what is important to you really does matter here.



To serve is critical to the growth of the local church; God has ordained it to be this way.  It causes the body of God to be in harmony, sharing the effort, creating necessary relationships and growing spiritually all for the benefit of the kingdom. When you serve it supports the undergirding of the culture of the kingdom of God as well as facilitate responsible growth. It is the key to the heart of God that all believers serve.


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