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In Pursuit of HIM

Life Source Media Center | In Pursuit of HIM

In Pursuit of HIM

Cost: $13.00
Pursuit is an action verb; an activity that one engages in (Merriam-Webster). In pursuing God, you have to engage HIS Presence which is the highest level of God and that which we should strive for. Our ultimate goal should be to have a love relationship with the ONE who first loved us. But how do we do this?

It is the desire of God to have a home, a resting place in us. It is our responsibility to make a home for HIM in us and to host HIM daily. Holy Spirit will not make visitation any place HE is not welcomed so you have to invite HIM in and create an environment where HE “wants” to manifest and dwell. Manifestation comes with repentance daily, studying HIS word, worship, and taking on the likeness of Jesus in word, thought, and deed. This can only happen through engagement with Holy Spirit.

We should daily expect God, but if we do not pursue HIM, don’t expect HIM to come. We have to learn to hear all of God, but we cannot recognize HIS voice if we do not become intimate with HIM. We want to become distributors of God because we are having encounters/convergences over and over with Holy Spirit. These encounters with Holy Spirit are not for us to bask in but to distribute to other people.

In this series, Apostle Terrell Murphy teaches us how to see Holy Spirit as the person HE is a not only as a function. Making the pursuit of God a habit in your life, identifying what needs to die in your life that is hindering your intimacy with God, and discovering what God has sent you here to do.


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Connecting and the need to connect socially is powerful.  At Life Center International we understand that the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences have more in common with each other than we may realize.  Because connecting is essential, we make it a service to those who fellowship with us. Who you are and what is important to you really does matter here.



To serve is critical to the growth of the local church; God has ordained it to be this way.  It causes the body of God to be in harmony, sharing the effort, creating necessary relationships and growing spiritually all for the benefit of the kingdom. When you serve it supports the undergirding of the culture of the kingdom of God as well as facilitate responsible growth. It is the key to the heart of God that all believers serve.


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